Volume 1: Communication Tools
September, 2013

Every PTA should have a communications plan that they have
coordinated with their school’s principal and main office. Here are some of the tools that APS makes
available for school and PTA use.
Talk – The APS communications office and school principals may send out
email messages to their school communities using APS school talk. Principals can include important PTA dates
and events in the messages they send out.
Parents are automatically enrolled in APS School Talk when they complete
the first day information packet.
§ Web
Sites – Most of the PTA organizations have web sites that use the APS
web tools, or link to an external page from their school’s main site. If you have questions about how to use the
tool, contact your school’s Principal or Webmaster.
§ BackPack
Mail – Keeping in mind that not all your families have access to
high-speed internet, sending information home in weekly or monthly backpack
mail works well for elementary and some middle schools. There is a school board policy governing what
may be sent in backpack mail, and outside organizations must receive approval
to send items in backpack mail from the APS Communications Office.
§ Robo-Calls
– Schools and PTAs (through the school office) have the ability
to send automatic calls to their school communities. Note that the messages
will be sent to EVERY phone number a parent has registered with APS, so use
these messages judiciously, and coordinate them with the Principal. To establish a robo-call message, contact
your school’s main office. If they
aren’t sure how to do it, contact the APS Communications Office 703-228-6005.
§ Translation
Equipment – APS has 5 sets of translation equipment with 24 receivers each
that may be used free of charge. The
equipment is designed to be used by someone translating a meeting
simultaneously, and must be checked out and in at the Communications office in
the APS Education Center .
Equipment may be reserved by calling Claudia Mercado at (703) 228-6005.
Listservs – Many PTAs have established listservs for their school
communities, and many use common free tools like yahoo or google groups to
administer them. Most allow individual
families to sign themselves up for these groups, and it is good practice to have
assigned PTA members to monitor the messages posted.
Listserv – Join the CCPTA listserv to receive announcements of important
events and CCPTA-sponsored meetings and information sessions. Each school is invited to send representatives
to the CCPTA, and all parents are welcomed to attend the meetings.
To join the CCPTA
Listserv, go to,
click on the MEETING DETAILS tab and click on the link to join the CCPTA Yahoo
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