Tuesday, September 17, 2013

CCPTA meeting notes 9.16.2013

CCPTA meeting Notes. 9/16/13

The next CCPTA meeting will take place October 21st at Patrick Henry.

Please forgive my notes, lots of great information is here, I am certain that moments after post this and walk away I will have an epiphany of some sort about something  I should have included, or how to spell, or what to capitalize.

Ted Hayes: CCPTA is here to help the PTA’s,
We are trying to meet at many different schools this year. Please check this blog to see where the net meeting will be.

Abby:  http://www.apsva.us/site/Default.aspx?PageID=3063 went through School Board priorities for the year, makes it easier to stay focused as the school board tries to balance issues.

Joint school and county board meeting on the 16th.

QQ Abby was asked about online vs distance learning vs having a teacher in front of students and why is it not clear to students when they are signing up for classes how the courses will be presented. (specifically for German 3) Answer was that it will be addressed

QQ Abby was asked about Elementary schools that do not have FLES; FLEX classes are offered in schools that do not have FLEX. Connie Skelton in the Office of the Superintendent is the best person to ask. constance.skelton@apsva.us

QQ achievement gaps for minorities, APS does not set lower standards for ethnic groups, which is the standard throughout the state.

QQ County Board is placing high density complex dwellings and not adjusting school sizes to fix it, led to discussion with no resolution.

Thursday night School Board work session will be at ED Center  in room 101 at 7:30

APS 101 will be at Wakefield on September 30th at 6:45 and should last an hour www.apsva.us/.../October%2012%20-%20APS%20101%202011.pptx

ACI (advisory council on instruction) member should be placed on PTA agenda, so they can better represent your school . Many schools do not have reps, and should.

Don from Facility Advisory Committee (FAC) is always well prepared with a report and I can’t find it in soft copy. I will strive to do better next month…
Ashlawn groundbreaking was on Monday
Wakefield opened on schedule, with exception of the pool and the gym, when other building is dropped the geothermal equipment will be placed. Building is LEED Gold standard.

Multi Modal transportation committee meets 1st and third Wednesdays of every month.. They are looking to meet at schools that have transport issues, and have a 15 minute open for comment section every meeting.   http://www.apsva.us/cms/lib2/VA01000586/Centricity/Domain/161/F-2%20Multimodal%20Transportation%20-%20final%20120612.pdf
Advisory committee on tech:
Raj and Pat Murphy trying to look at process improvements, reporting to school board,

Mary Rouleau
Affordable Housing Power Point Presentation information to be found www.allianceforhousingsolutions.org

Cintia Johnson Assistant Superintendent cintia.johnson@apsva.us
Unified ID badges – what where and why. They will have passive chip. Lots of people bombarded her with questions.  Here is a policy from 2007

PPP that will be posted on the APS website 

Reflections is coming up – mid October is county deadline in the schools, more on APS  website. Michael is looking for assistance with reflections.
Meeting should be at Patrick Henry next month third Monday

Kathleen on CCPTA has an awesome page full of shortcuts that I will get in soft copy and post.

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