Meeting Minutes

2.17.2012 CCPTA meeting

Meeting called to order by Laura Novak, CCPTA President

School Representative and attendee introductions

Discussion Regarding Sandy Brook and school/APS response
Dr Murphy:
-some schools had a quick stand up meeting where principals speak to staff 
-address anything that looks like it needs to be addressed before and after school, and during school as well. 
-reinforce existing policy, revisit existing policy
-if age appropriate, brief discussions were held
-check doors, check strangers
-all aps admin personnel were out communicating with staff at schools
-administrative meetings today as well at facilities office and main admin office
-drmurphy having all public facing communication through aps communication person
-increased police visibility around and near schools from now and until holiday break
-assessment of communication this afternoon and following up
-admin team will be out and 'visibility' will be increased.
-visiting schools wed and thur

Connecticut PTA is requesting snowflakes made by kids get sent to school that the sandy hook kids will be sent to in January. Laura is coordinating with county and will let this group know how to proceed.

Superintendent Report (Dr Murphy): 
Dr Murphy:
-thank you to Todd McCracken for service on the school board
- School Board meeting on Thursday evening
- Jan10th Board meeting Todd will be recognized for service on the board and Noah will be welcomed to the board. 
-Power Point about whole child as lead in to budget conversation
-thanked room for our involvement

Budget Review and App Demonstration (Deirdra McLaughlin):
-county board telling aps that there is a weak economy and schools are not going to get what they got in the past.
-weak revenue growth
-rabbit is dead, no more rabbits coming out of the economic hat
-county funds over 80% of APS revenue
-fiscal cliff sequestration 1.5M have been losing a little bit of federal money every year
- some state aid will be reduced also. Cost of competing (Nova more expensive to live and employ staff then southern va)
-class size by grade
-Arlington had highest student body increase in the state this year, expected to be the same next year.
-based on current projections aps is expecting a 23.5M$ deficit this year for calendar

Budget App Demonstration
The new budget app is a tool for citizens to better understand the difficult decisions that must be made in order to balance the budget.  Citizens are provided a base line deficit budget and can add or subtract program/salary expenses in an effort to balance the budget. Meeting attendees were given a preview of this tool which will be made public in January.

PTAs can do a similar exercise at their January Meetings.  Dan Dixon (Budget Advisory Committee Chair) volunteered to coordinate FAC representation at PTA meetings as desired.

Facilities Advisory Committee Update (Don Weinstein)

Reflections, Ted Hayes
Ceremony is a month from today at w&l in the evening (12.17.2012) should be cool to see. There will be lots of opportunity to volunteer to support event if anyone is interested. Info on the ability to volunteer will follow later.  

CCPTA Treasurer, Lori Wright
CCPTA budget voted on and approved

President Report, Laura Novak
By laws are in the process of being updated.
Looking for a volunteer to set up google blog site
Also trying to encourage someone to volunteer to be secretary. 

No New business

School Board Update, Todd McCracken
Brief summation of current School Board activity by Todd on his way off the school board. Pretty much everything that is happening has been covered during this meeting.

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