Tuesday, September 18, 2012


CCPTA is coordinating the 2012-2013 Reflections Program process for PTAs throughout Arlington.  Here are a few highlights of this process (more details at http://www.vapta.org/content/2012-2013-reflections-theme-magic-moment-rules-guides-etc).

1. What is Reflections?

Reflections is a nation-wide PTA-based program that encourages children to express themselves through the arts.  Categories include: dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, and visual arts. Students may enter the Reflections Program in one or more arts categories.  This year there is also a Special Artists section that allows students with special needs to participate and be evaluated relative to their peers.

2. What is this year's Reflections theme?

"The magic of a moment."

3. What are the key deadlines?

CCPTA needs to turn in all materials by Wednesday, December 12, 2012.  Our District contacts thus suggest that all materials should be collected by the school PTA Reflections committee during the time frame of October 17th through the 25th.  NEW: LIKELY TURN-IN DATE FOR MATERIALS IS 10 NOVEMBER 2012, LOCATION TBD.

4. Whom can I contact for more information?

More materials and blog postings will be forthcoming, but you may always contact Ted Hayes or Michael Swisher for ideas and guidance at arlingtonccpta@gmail.com or vpccpta@yahoo.com.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Welcome to the NEW ArlingtonCCPTA Blog!

Happy new academic year, everyone!  Welcome to the NEW Arlington County Council of PTA (CCPTA) blog.  Please link to our blog, get feeds from it, consult it, send us information.  Just don't ignore us.  Thanks for coming by and have a great academic year!