Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ways to Help Sandy Hook ES PTA from the National PTA and Connecticut PTSA Presidents

Dear APS Families:

I know that many of us have struggled with the events that occurred in Newtown, Connecticut last week and some have desired a way to help the students and families of Sandy Hook Elementary.  I am including a message from the National PTA that contains a couple of options for families to consider.  PTAs may wish to coordinate this type of effort, but I ask everyone to talk with your school's principal to decide the best approach for your school community.  In many cases, especially at the elementary level, principals have taken a low key approach when discussing the events of last week with children.  As parents we will continue to think about these events for weeks, months and years; but our children, in most cases, will have moved on after the holidays.  That being said, some parents may wish to use the snowflake project (see below) as a learning and discussion opportunity, or you may want to contribute as a family to the Sandy Hook PTA.  In any case – I wanted to make you aware of these projects.  If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me.
Laura Novak
CCPTA President

SUBJECT: Ways to Help Sandy Hook ES PTA from the National PTA and Connecticut PTSA Presidents
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December 17, 2012

It is with heavy hearts and the deepest sympathy that we express our condolences to the families and communities affected by the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. We have watched with profound sadness, pained that school violence has again claimed so many beloved students and educators. As you read these words, the families in Newtown, Connecticut are enduring unspeakable heartache and loss. Together let us pray that they will receive the comfort they so desperately need.

National PTA and the Connecticut PTSA pledge our unwavering support to the Newtown community. In the past few days, we have met with PTA leaders of all of the schools in Newtown, including the Sandy Hook PTA, and community leaders who have requested our help in supporting the families. For those of us who are looking to be of assistance in the aftermath, we share the following projects in need of your support:

Welcome Students to a Winter Wonderland

When school resumes for Sandy Hook, it will be in a new building. Parent-volunteers are working to ensure that the students are welcomed back by a winter wonderland with the entire school decorated with as many unique snowflakes as possible. We encourage senders to be as creative as possible, remembering that no two snowflakes are alike. Please make and send snowflakes by January 12, 2013 to the Connecticut PTSA address at the end of this email.

Donating and Organizing Fundraisers for Sandy Hook Elementary School

Donations will be accepted indefinitely to the Connecticut PTSA "Sandy Hook Fund" to provide ongoing support to the community. Please send checks to the Connecticut PTSA address listed at the end of this email. Group fundraising projects may include walk-a-thons, spirits days, pajama days, etc., which may be scheduled at your convenience.

For student-run coin drives, please submit all donations by February 14, 2012.

The Newtown community has requested only monetary donations at this time. For service or product donation inquiries, please contact To contact Sandy Hook PTA, please

National PTA Advocacy

Toward the end of the week, we will be prepared to share with you how best to advocate for school safety at the state and federal levels in response to this tragedy. As we said on Friday, National PTA prioritizes the protection of children in all schools and believes it is fundamental to learning. We have several position statements and resolutions related to school violence and child safety, which we will package and share widely very soon. Rest assured, we fully plan to engage our powerful network of nearly 5 million dedicated members to make a difference on this issue.

Many parents may feel at a loss about how to approach the subject of school violence with their children. For information on helping your child cope, discussing issues of violence and hate, and keeping your school safe, please visit our website at

Thank you for your generous support and dedication to the children and families of Newtown, Connecticut.

Warm regards,

Betsy and Jim

Betsy Landers
National PTA President
Jim Accomando
Connecticut PTSA President

Please send all snowflakes and donations to:  

Connecticut PTSA
60 Connolly Parkway
Building 12, Suite 103
Hamden, CT 06514

Monday, October 15, 2012

Reflections featured in TODAY'S CCPTA "Pre-Meeting" at 6pm

Today's Pre-CCPTA Meeting will feature a review of the Reflections process.  Please join us from 6-7pm at the Education Center, 1426 North Quincy.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October's CCPTA Meeting will be Monday, October 15th

The next CCPTA meeting is scheduled for 7pm-9:30pm on Monday, October 15th, and 1426 North Quincy (the Ed Center).  Agenda to be announced. 

Also, pre-meeting topic to be announced soon.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


CCPTA is coordinating the 2012-2013 Reflections Program process for PTAs throughout Arlington.  Here are a few highlights of this process (more details at

1. What is Reflections?

Reflections is a nation-wide PTA-based program that encourages children to express themselves through the arts.  Categories include: dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, and visual arts. Students may enter the Reflections Program in one or more arts categories.  This year there is also a Special Artists section that allows students with special needs to participate and be evaluated relative to their peers.

2. What is this year's Reflections theme?

"The magic of a moment."

3. What are the key deadlines?

CCPTA needs to turn in all materials by Wednesday, December 12, 2012.  Our District contacts thus suggest that all materials should be collected by the school PTA Reflections committee during the time frame of October 17th through the 25th.  NEW: LIKELY TURN-IN DATE FOR MATERIALS IS 10 NOVEMBER 2012, LOCATION TBD.

4. Whom can I contact for more information?

More materials and blog postings will be forthcoming, but you may always contact Ted Hayes or Michael Swisher for ideas and guidance at or

Monday, September 17, 2012

Welcome to the NEW ArlingtonCCPTA Blog!

Happy new academic year, everyone!  Welcome to the NEW Arlington County Council of PTA (CCPTA) blog.  Please link to our blog, get feeds from it, consult it, send us information.  Just don't ignore us.  Thanks for coming by and have a great academic year!